HR Director Blog

Category: Talent Retention
Results: 1 to 8 of 8

HR is About Walking a Fine Line

What's the Problem Here? For many employees, the HR department is bad news in its purest form. Human Resources people are viewed as the Grim Reapers of the company just waiting for staff members to slip up so they can fire their fannies with glee. ...

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What Canadian Bosses Can and Cannot Do To Staff

Photo: Definitely a No No

The Great Divide – Not So Great For Morale (HRD) There is little doubt there is a large divide (Grand Canyon pics may provide a visual of the size of the gap) between what employers feel is justified, in maintaining the diligence of their staff, ...

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How HR Exit Interviews Are Like Breaking Up With Your Crush

Letting someone go is probably the most difficult and emotionally demanding aspect of any Human Resources Director. Despite rumours to the contrary, no HR manager worth their salt takes any joy in the process. Despite disgruntled employees' over-wrought ...

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Exit Interviews; The Questions to Ask - The Answers to Give

Photo: What not to do

One relatively new and surprisingly under-utilized tool available to HR managers that may help them significantly with increased morale, better retention, and enhanced engagement from their current employees is a well-planned and executed exit interview. ...

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Managing the Annual Staff Holiday Party

Making Spirits Bright!

As the head of an HR department or even perhaps of an entire company, it may be your job to provide some kind of get-together for your staff during the holidays. It is one of those hero/goat situations as a corporate leader that you face. Few people will ...

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13 Terrific Tips for Improving Retention

Say "No More" to the Revolving Door

Show Me More Than Just the Money! No matter the size or profitability, if a company depends on employees to make money, retention strategies should be an important focus. However, many corporations (over 50% according to research by US business consultant ...

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Filling the Gap: Managing Absenteeism in the New Millennium

How HR Responds to the MIA

What ‘Lean’ Means Many businesses these days operate as ‘lean and mean’ as possible to save themselves unnecessary labour costs. This staffing model works wonderfully, as long as everybody shows up every day. We all know, however, ...

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Tags: staffing

Consider Hidden Talents when Planning your Retention Strategies

(HRD) – Talent retention is fundamental to an organization’s success. Developing long-term strategies is a necessity. All too often, an organization will concentrate on a small clique of their workforce. Don't ignore the hidden gems, those ...

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