HR lady laughing at our amusing blog post.

Humour Hits the HR World

(HRD) HR managers are usually serious folk. They take their responsibilities to heart, given that the employees in their care expect diligence, professionalism and dedication to duty. But Human Resource specialists are human, too. In the constant pressure of their responsible positions, a chuckle break can be just what the doctor ordered to reduce stress, keep things in prospective and maintain their humanity.

Here, then are some articles designed to tickle the uber-serious funny bones of the HR department. They can probably use the laugh.

Teehee Terms

From our colleagues at Industrial NetMedia, is a popular piece that puts a bit of giggle in the HR glossary of terms. Entitled, "Humorous HR Terms for the Terminally Serious", this piece is the site's most popular article they have ever published.

Old Jokes?

Discovered in the CiteHR website humor pages is a list of ways you know you may be getting old. If your staff answer "True" to most of these, a youth recruitment program may be in order! (For example, "You sit in a rocking chair but can't get it going."

Cartoons for a Quicker Snicker

Courtesy of Jeffery Obront's Pinterest page is a whole collection of HR-related cartoons, comics and captioned pictures all designed to illicit a chuckle. Check out the sandwhich thief series!

Always Time for HR Humour

From our own HR Director site blog library we have the immensely popular piece "HR Timeline From 4 Billion BC to Present" which takes a tongue in cheek look at the history of the personnel profession. (For example, "25,000 BC; Neanderthals die out, being lousy at job interviews and resume writing.)


Tags: HR humour

Author: Chris McKerracher

Chris McKerracher is a Social Media Marketer and Professional Writer for Industrial NetMedia. Chris has worked as a journalist, editorialist and humourist for a number of Alberta newspapers since 1995. He has also written eight theatrical plays which have been produced with the ninth to be staged in May of 2016.


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