An HR Director explaining an issue

Union Compliance From an HR Perspective

(HRD) - As a modern manager of a mid-sized company, you know that employee safety is a partnership between four different entities within your organization. These four entities consist of:

  • The Management Group that funds training for employees,
  • Labour Unions which set proficiency standards allowing employees to demonstrate they have the skills and knowledge to perform specific tasks as safely as possible,
  • Individual Employees who have attained certification for specific jobs,
  • The Human Resources Department that is responsible for ensuring employees are properly trained, certified and appropriately assigned for every situation that arises.

Managers realize that union rules aren't obstacles to be ignored but valuable guidelines to keep your labour force safe from workplace accidents. By adhering to union-decreed skill standards, management takes the guesswork out of safety compliance which demonstrates due diligence from a legal perspective. This helps to reduce or even eliminate insurance risk liability and, more importantly, provides your valuable human assets with a work environment that has been made as safe as possible.

The Benefits of Union Compliance

Although sometimes labour union rules are seen by managers as wasteful and expensive, there are multiple benefits that companies derive by embracing them. Here are just some of the ways compliance with union guidelines is the right way to run a business.

Healthy Morale: Companies that focus on employee safety, boast a workforce who feel valued. This pays huge dividends in increased morale which leads to higher productivity and reduced absenteeism.

Public Relations Protection: By being union compliant at every step, companies can save themselves from law suits, PR disasters and even prison terms in the event of a fatal accident. Being able to demonstrate complete compliance with all union rules may also eliminate job actions against your company by organized labour over safety concerns.

Reduced Overhead: Making sure every person on the job in your organization has the necessary certification for each task they are responsible for, will reduce workplace accidents. This minimizes WCB rates and lessens downtime that may occur due to less common skills being unavailable as a result of medical leave.

Better Your Bottom Line: Workers who are properly certified for the tasks at hand are far more productive than those who lack the knowledge of a job's unique challenges. Matching skillsets with job requirements will reduce costly mistakes, wasted manpower and frustrated, ineffectual staff.

How Can I Make Sure My Company is Union Compliant?

Properly pairing your human assets with their range of abilities to the tasks at hand that require specialized knowledge can be a challenging, time consuming exercise, especially when you need to factor in each individuals ever-changing availability profile. By using Human Resource Managment System (HRMS) such as the HR Director program available exclusively at Industrial Netmedia, this complex process becomes as easy as a mouse click. HR Director will manage all employees qualifications, certifications and provide the HR Manager with the reports needed to run an efficient office. 

Author: Chris McKerracher

Chris McKerracher is a Social Media Marketer and Professional Writer for Industrial NetMedia. Chris has worked as a journalist, editorialist and humourist for a number of Alberta newspapers since 1995. He has also written eight theatrical plays which have been produced with the ninth to be staged in May of 2016.


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